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The wide variety of musical performances, whether or not they are artificially amplified , all provide entertainment irrespective of whether the performance is from soloists , choral or orchestral groups , or ensemble . Live performances use specialised venues, which might be small or large; indoors or outdoors; free or expensive. The audiences have different expectations of the performers as well as of their own role in the performance. For example, some audiences expect to listen silently and are entertained by the excellence of the music, its rendition or its interpretation . Other audiences of live performances are entertained by the ambience and the chance to participate .
They both involve animals and are variously regarded as sport, entertainment or cultural tradition. Among the organisations set up to advocate for the rights of animals are some whose concerns include the use of animals for entertainment. However, "in many cases of animal advocacy groups versus organisations accused of animal abuse, both sides have cultural claims."
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The tricks and activities performed by the magicians can and usuually are enjoyed by both adults and kids. All the games, booths, food, rides, and let’s not forget clowns. Going to a carnival and enjoying it will be a day well-spent. Contrary to popular belief, the circus is not just for kids. This will help you bring back the days of your youth back and give you child-like happiness.
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But all the same, I think it is the most wonderful thing that I have ever experienced, and I congratulate you with all my heart on this wonderful discovery. Shakespeare wrote seventeen comedies that incorporate many techniques still used by performers and writers of comedy—such as jokes, puns, parody, wit, observational humor, or the unexpected effect of irony. One-liner jokes and satire are also used to comedic effect in literature.
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On the other hand, players in a game may constitute their own audience as they take their turn to play. Often, part of the entertainment for children playing a game is deciding who is part of their audience and who is a player. Children's entertainment is centred on play and is significant for their growth. It often mimics adult activities, such as watching performances ; prepares them for adult responsibilities, such as child rearing or social interaction ; or develops skills such as motor skills , needed for sports and music .
Stories are still told in the early forms, for example, around a fire while camping, or when listening to the stories of another culture as a tourist. Many entertainments, including storytelling but especially music and drama, remain familiar but have developed into a wide variety of form to suit a very wide range of personal preferences and cultural expression. For example, drama, stories and banqueting are commonly enhanced by music; sport and games are incorporated into other activities to increase appeal. Some may have evolved from serious or necessary activities into competition and then become entertainment. Vaulting poles, for example, were originally made from woods such as ash, hickory or hazel; in the 19th century bamboo was used and in the 21st century poles can be made of carbon fibre.
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